Thursday 24 December 2015

Squadron Hike Reminder

Just a quick reminder of the squadron hike coming up on 28 December. It is open to cadets, parents, brothers, sisters and friends for those of you wishing to attend. No sign up sheet just come out and enjoy a couple of hours fun! We will be hiking to Morningstar Mill from the Pelham Rd entrance of Shorthills Provincial Park. This is the parking lot just past the entrance to Camp Wetaskawin.
Hike begins at 11:00 and will finish at 14:30 (2PM). Bring water and snack as we will be stopping for a short time at Morningstar Mill.
Wear appropriate footwear and clothing for the conditions, also remember to have your Health Card with you.

Last but not least,


Capt Knight

Thursday 10 December 2015

Squadron Hike

There will be a squadron hike on Monday 28 December from 1100 am until 1430. This hike is open to cadets parents and brothers and sisters.  We will be meeting at the Pelham Rd entrance of Short hill Provincial Park NLT 1045. We will be doing a round trip hike to Morningstar Mill. Please bring water and a snack as we will be stopping to have a bite to eat at Morningstar.
Cadets are to dress for the weather with proper foot wear for a hike and be sure to have their Health Card with them.

Christmas Carnival

The annual Christmas Carnival will be taking place on Mon day 21/December. Dress for the evening will be appropriate civilian attire. NO UNIFORMS. Cadets must also be in possession of their Healthcare.

Range Day

There will be a range day on Sunday 13 December at the hall from 1400-1630. Cadets that have signed up are to be in possesion of their Health Card and be wearing comfortable acceptable civilian clothing.

Peaks Indoor Rock Climbing

The squadron will be at Peaks this Saturday from 9-12. There are still some spots available. Those cadets that signed up must have their Health  card and a signed Peaks waiver. The waiver is available on Peaks website, or at Peaks on Saturday morning.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Santa Claus Parade

The St. Catharines Santa Claus Parade is being held Sunday November 22 2015. Cadets attending this parade are asked to meet at the cadet hall NLT 1330 (1:30). From here cadets will walk to the start location at the corner of Duke and Wellington Streets to check in.

The parade route has changed this year. It will begin at Church and James Street, marching up James, turning right onto St. Paul St, following St. Paul and turning right onto William Street and ending at Lake Street.

Cadets are to be in full dress uniform with parka and gloves as the parade will take place rain or shine.

As with ALL cadet activities cadets are to be in possession of their HEALTH CARD.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Thursday November 12

Just a reminder that sports and drill will be at Pine Grove School Thursday November 12 at the normal time.

There will be NO ACTIVITIES at the CADET HALL on this night.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Monday November 9

Just a reminder that tonight is CO's Parade and we have guest speakers. All cadets with uniforms are to be in full dress uniform for tonight. Be sure your uniform is top notch.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Poppy Tagging

Timings for the cadets that signed up to help BR 24 and BR 350 of the RCL are as follows,

Both Legions 10:00 - 17:00 Cadets are to arrive at the legion they signed up to help by 09:30.

As with all cadet activities cadets must be in possession of their Health Card

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Remembrance Day Observances

The squadron will be participating in a number of Remembrance Day activities over the next week. Those activities are as follows.

Cadets that have signed up for the Veteran's Dinner Thursday November 5, MUST be at BR 350 Royal Canadian Legion in Port Dalhousie NO LATER THAN 5:45 in full dress uniform. The dinner will finish at approximately 9:00

BR 350 Remembrance Day Parade Sunday November 8 - Cadets are to arrive at BR 350 RCL in Port Dalhousie NO LATER THAN 09:30 in full dress uniform, with PARKA and GLOVES.
A lunch will be provided after the parade. Expected finish time of 1:00

BR 24 Remembrance Day Parade Wednesday November 11 - Cadets to arrive at BR 24 RCL 111 Church Street NO LATER THAN 09:00 in full dress uniform with PARKA and GLOVES.
A lunch will be provided after the parade. Expected finish time of 1:00.

As with all cadet activities cadets must have their HEALTH CARD with them.

Updated Calendar November & December

Friday 25 September 2015

Monday September 28

This is a reminder that dress for Monday is civilian attire. Please bring/wear appropriate clothing and shoes to participate in the Cadet Fitness Assessment. This assessment is a mandatory component for you to participate in. It is required in order for you to move on to your next level at the completion of the training year.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Squadron Fall Field Training Exercise

The Squadron Fall FTX will take place from Friday September 25 until Sunday September 27 at Camp Wetaskawin. This is an all weather exercise and cadets are advised to follow distributed kit list to ensure they are prepared for all conditions.


As with ALL cadet activities cadets MUST BE in possession of their HEALTH CARD in order to attend.

Squadron Calendar September & October

Recruit Gliding Day

There will be a gliding date open to 20 cadets on Saturday Sept 12/15. New recruits to the squadron will be given the first opportunity to sign up for this. A sign up sheet will be available at the Open House BBQ on Thursday Sept. 10.

Location : Niagara District Airport
Timing: Cadets are asked to be at the airport No Later Than (NLT) 0845, gliding to finish at 1230

As with all cadet activities, cadets MUST BE in possession of their HEALTH CARD in order to be able to fly. If you do not have your HEALTH CARD you WILL NOT FLY.

Cadets will be out on the field in the sun so appropriate protection from the sun is advised. Hat, sunscreen and water bottle along with a jacket/sweater as conditions may be cool.

Open House BBQ

All are invited to 23 Squadron's Annual Open House BBQ. Invite your friends to come see what Air Cadets is all about. This year the BBQ is being held

1830 (6:30) - 2100 (9:00)

We will also be starting the Annual Validation process for returning cadets to the squadron on this night.

Thursday 4 June 2015

D-Day Parade

Decoration Day parade will be taking place this weekend Sunday 07 June.

Timings are as follows

Cadets are to arrive at Victoria Lawn Cemetary on Queenston St. NO LATER THAN 12:45

Parade will commence at 1315 (1:15) and be completed by approximately 1430. Cadets and parents are invited back to Branch 24 for a reception at the conclusion of the parade.

WARNING ORDER (Wonderland June 13 2015)


(Wonderland Amusement Park 13 June 15)

1. On 13 June 15 selected members of 23 Optimist Squadron will participate in a year end trip as a reward for tagging three shifts and attending the Annual Cadet Review.
Only those Cadets receiving this Warning Order will be permitted on this exercise.

2. Selected members will arrive at, the Optimist Club, LHQ 8 Napier Street, no later than 08:00 on the 13 of June 15. (Bus departs at 8:15sharp)

3. A Health Card must be carried by members to participate in this exercise.

4. Selected members will be transported by bus to and from the Wonderland Amusement Park which is located at, 9580 Jane St,Vaughan, ON L6A 1S6.

5. An all you can eat Luncheon with complete dietary considerations will be provided at 15:30.
Cadets are responsible for providing their own meals, beverages, and snacks above and beyond the meal mentioned above which is included with our admission. Cadets are required to participate in the meal generously provided by the sponsoring committee. Cadets are responsible for providing their own spending money, which should be modest in amount.

6. Cadets must be dressed appropriately (in civilian clothing) for the seasonal conditions, as this will be a prolonged outdoors activity. Necessary items will include hats, sun block, water bottle, waterproof foot wear, extra sweaters (layers), gloves, jackets, appropriate swim wear, etc…

All Cadets are reminded of dress and jewelry codes which will be strictly enforced on this exercise. Those wearing inappropriate attire will not be permitted on this trip!

7. Cadets are reminded that thefts can and do occur especially from unwatched backpacks during the course of the rides. You are advised not to bring valuables that might be subject to theft. Cadets are totally responsible for their lost or stolen personal items.
Security Lockers are available for a nominal fee.

8. Members will arrive back at the Optimist Hall by 23:30 subject to traffic conditions. Cadets are expected to depart LHQ promptly after dismissal.
Parents are to pick up cadets on time!

9. It is essential that the behavior of all those attending this exercise be of the highest standard. Inappropriate behavior can pose a safety hazard, will not be tolerated, and could result in the member being returned to unit at the parent’s expense prior to the conclusion of the exercise.
A mandatory Buddy System will be strictly enforced!

10. Receipt of this warning order means that you are committed. If for any reason you are unable to attend, you are required to contact the squadron phone (905) 682-5697 without exception in order to be excused. Failure to do so will constitute an unexcused absence and could affect your chances for selection to future exercises.

11. The (Emergency Only) contact number during this specific exercise only will be 1 (289) 808-8100. This number is not to be called except as stated above.

OPI Captain J Derousie

WARNING ORDER! (Gliding June 6 2015)


(Gliding 06 June 2015 at SOGC St Catharines)

1. On 06 June 2015 selected members of 23 Optimist Squadron will participate in a familiarization-flying exercise at the Southern Ontario Gliding Center (SOGC). Only those Cadets receiving this Warning Order will be permitted on this exercise.

2. Selected members will arrive at the Niagara District Airport, 468 Niagara Stone Road, Niagara on the Lake, L0S 1J0, not later than 08:30 on the 06 June 2015.
Selected members are to be transported by their own means to the SOGC Gliding Centre. (located near the city of St Catharines at the Niagara District Airport)

3. A Health Card must be carried by members to participate in this exercise.

4. Gliding is mandatory and is a requirement of the regular training program.

5. Members must be dressed appropriately, (in civilian clothing), for the seasonal conditions, as this will be a prolonged outdoors activity. Necessary items will include hats, sun block, water bottle, waterproof foot wear, extra sweaters (layers), gloves, jackets, insect repellant,
(Cadets are highly advised to have breakfast prior to attending, there are no facilities for the purchase of food or drinks at the Airport).

6. The exercise will conclude by 12:30 and Cadets are expected to depart the Airport promptly after dismissal. Do not rely on access to a phone at the gliding center.
Parents are to pick up cadets on time!

7. It is essential that the behavior of all cadets attending this exercise be of the highest standard. We will be briefed and supervised by the gliding centre staff regarding safety rules and regulations while on the flight line and in the aircraft. Inappropriate behavior can pose a safety hazard, will not be tolerated, and could result in the member being returned to unit at the parent’s expense prior to the conclusion of the exercise.

8. Receipt of this warning order means that you are committed. If for any reason you are unable to attend, you are required to contact the Squadron answering machine @ 905-684-9866, (without exception), in order to be excused. Failure to do so will constitute an unexcused absence and could affect your chances for selection to future exercises. (Other cadets on standby could be loaded in your place should you become unable to attend).

9. The (Emergency) contact number for the duration of this specific gliding exercise is
(289) 808-8100. This number is not to be called except as stated above.

OPI Captain Davidson

Monday 1 June 2015

Summer Camp Information

You can get your joining instructions by clicking the 'CCO Extranet' link to the right or by clicking here. (Please be aware there may be some issues with Google Chrome).  Once you have logged on to the CCO Extranet follow the links <Central>, <CTC Joining Instructions>, and download the joining instructions for your particular camp.

Note: The most common camps for our junior cadets are General Training and Basic Drill and Ceremonial which will be at Trenton CTC. Basic Survival, Basic Fitness and most Basic Band courses will be at Blackdown CTC.

Thursday 30 April 2015

FTX Fireman's Park

Directions to Fireman's Park from cadet hall.

Get on Queen Elizabeth Way from Lake St

5 min (2.0 km)

Follow Queen Elizabeth Way to Mountain Rd/Regional Rd 101 in Niagara Falls. Take exit 34 from Queen Elizabeth Way
6 min (10.7 km)
Follow Mountain Rd/Regional Rd 101 to your destination
3 min (2.0 km)
Firemen's Park
2275 Dorchester Road, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6S