Wednesday 4 November 2015

Remembrance Day Observances

The squadron will be participating in a number of Remembrance Day activities over the next week. Those activities are as follows.

Cadets that have signed up for the Veteran's Dinner Thursday November 5, MUST be at BR 350 Royal Canadian Legion in Port Dalhousie NO LATER THAN 5:45 in full dress uniform. The dinner will finish at approximately 9:00

BR 350 Remembrance Day Parade Sunday November 8 - Cadets are to arrive at BR 350 RCL in Port Dalhousie NO LATER THAN 09:30 in full dress uniform, with PARKA and GLOVES.
A lunch will be provided after the parade. Expected finish time of 1:00

BR 24 Remembrance Day Parade Wednesday November 11 - Cadets to arrive at BR 24 RCL 111 Church Street NO LATER THAN 09:00 in full dress uniform with PARKA and GLOVES.
A lunch will be provided after the parade. Expected finish time of 1:00.

As with all cadet activities cadets must have their HEALTH CARD with them.

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