Thursday 4 June 2015

WARNING ORDER (Wonderland June 13 2015)


(Wonderland Amusement Park 13 June 15)

1. On 13 June 15 selected members of 23 Optimist Squadron will participate in a year end trip as a reward for tagging three shifts and attending the Annual Cadet Review.
Only those Cadets receiving this Warning Order will be permitted on this exercise.

2. Selected members will arrive at, the Optimist Club, LHQ 8 Napier Street, no later than 08:00 on the 13 of June 15. (Bus departs at 8:15sharp)

3. A Health Card must be carried by members to participate in this exercise.

4. Selected members will be transported by bus to and from the Wonderland Amusement Park which is located at, 9580 Jane St,Vaughan, ON L6A 1S6.

5. An all you can eat Luncheon with complete dietary considerations will be provided at 15:30.
Cadets are responsible for providing their own meals, beverages, and snacks above and beyond the meal mentioned above which is included with our admission. Cadets are required to participate in the meal generously provided by the sponsoring committee. Cadets are responsible for providing their own spending money, which should be modest in amount.

6. Cadets must be dressed appropriately (in civilian clothing) for the seasonal conditions, as this will be a prolonged outdoors activity. Necessary items will include hats, sun block, water bottle, waterproof foot wear, extra sweaters (layers), gloves, jackets, appropriate swim wear, etc…

All Cadets are reminded of dress and jewelry codes which will be strictly enforced on this exercise. Those wearing inappropriate attire will not be permitted on this trip!

7. Cadets are reminded that thefts can and do occur especially from unwatched backpacks during the course of the rides. You are advised not to bring valuables that might be subject to theft. Cadets are totally responsible for their lost or stolen personal items.
Security Lockers are available for a nominal fee.

8. Members will arrive back at the Optimist Hall by 23:30 subject to traffic conditions. Cadets are expected to depart LHQ promptly after dismissal.
Parents are to pick up cadets on time!

9. It is essential that the behavior of all those attending this exercise be of the highest standard. Inappropriate behavior can pose a safety hazard, will not be tolerated, and could result in the member being returned to unit at the parent’s expense prior to the conclusion of the exercise.
A mandatory Buddy System will be strictly enforced!

10. Receipt of this warning order means that you are committed. If for any reason you are unable to attend, you are required to contact the squadron phone (905) 682-5697 without exception in order to be excused. Failure to do so will constitute an unexcused absence and could affect your chances for selection to future exercises.

11. The (Emergency Only) contact number during this specific exercise only will be 1 (289) 808-8100. This number is not to be called except as stated above.

OPI Captain J Derousie

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