Tuesday 29 April 2014

NAG Weekend Kit List

The weekend of 2-4 May 2014 the staff and cadets of 23 Sqn will be joining those of Niagara Air Group for our Annual Field Training Exercise. The exercise is being held at Valens Conservation area. This camp will focus on mandatory survival training including construction of shelters, building fires, search and rescue techniques and orienteering.

Cadets are to meet at the Optimist Hall on May 2, 2014 at 4:30 pm (1630hrs) with the following items on the kit list. Cadets can be picked up on Sunday May 4 at 5:00pm (1700hrs) at the Optimist Hall.


1.                             All cadets should be in possession of the following clothing and equipment in order to ensure a safe, productive, and enjoyable training exercise:

a.       T-shirts                                                                                                   (3)
b.       Pants (NO denim[JEANS], preferably quickdry)                           (2)
c.        Sweater or sweatshirt                                                                          (2)
d.       Underwear                                                                                            (3)
e.        Socks (at least 1 pr wool)                                                                   (3)
f.        Raincoat AND Rainpants                                                                  (1)
g.        Windbreaker/Warm Jacket                                                               (1)
h.       Boots (Water proof/Hiking)                                                              (1)
i.         Gloves AND Toque                                                                            
j.         Ground Sheet                                                                                       (1)
k.       Sleeping Bag, Pillow                                                                         (1)
l.         Air Mattress SINGLE PERSON (optional)                                      (1)
m.     Extra Blanket (if weather to be cold)                                              (1)
n.       Face Towel (no shower facilities available)                                    (1)
o.       Flashlight                                                                                               (1)
p.       Sunglasses                                                                                             (1)
q.       Large Water Bottle                                                                              (1)
r.         Travel cup (for hot drinks – Styrofoam will not be provided     (1)
s.        Toiletries and Personal Hygiene Items
u.       Prescription Medication (ONLY ENOUGH FOR WEEKEND)

2.                             Do NOT bring any of the following:

a.       Expensive jewellery
b.       Money
c.        Electronics
d.       Two Way Radios ( walkie talkies)
e.        Knives
f.        Food of any kind
g.        Non-prescription medication ( Advil, Tylenol)

NOTE: If you bring it, YOU carry it!!!!!!! 

3.             a) Cadets MAY wear surplus Canadian olive drab combat clothing with rank if it is properly worn.
                b) Cadets are NOT to wear CADPAT clothing
                c) Cadets may wear other surplus combat clothing if they wish but cannot wear rank slip-ons

This exercise will be conducted in all weather. Please ensure that clothing is warm enough and dry enough, and that sleeping bags are adequate for the conditions. If they are not it is your responsibility to bring extra blankets. A general rule of thumb is to plan for the worst and hope for the best.

If there are any questions please follow your chain of command and contact your Flight Commander or Deputy Flight Commander.

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