Monday 12 November 2012

First Post (11 Nov 12)

Welcome to the blog of 23 Optimist Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets. This will serve as the official communication and bulletin board for the squadron for both parents and cadets.

Remembrance Day
Firstly, a very large thank-you to all of the cadet who participated in Remembrance Day activities. This is a busy time of year for us and we appreciate all the cadets who gave of their time selling poppies, attending the Legion dinner and participating our two parades. Many people have approached the staff with compliments and praise for our cadets. There is also a link to photos (including cadets) that were published on the website for the St. Catharines Standard.

Optimist Youth Appreciation Dinner
We would like to congratulate FSgt S. Gervais and Sgt R. Richard for being selected for the Optimist Youth Appreciation Dinner. These cadets are being recognized for their leadership, commitment to the Squadron and exemplary performance.

Food Drive
This year we will be starting a food drive to help support needy people in our community. Please bring in non-perishable food items that can be donated to community care.

Uniform Reminder
We are now in winter dress, which means sweaters and tunics for AC-LAC and shirt, tie and tunics for Cpl and up.

COs Parade
Monday 26th Nov 2012 - Full Dress uniform

Upcoming Events
Friday 7 December 2012- Legion Fish Fry : An opportunity to sell those OPC Tickets
Monday 10 December 2012 - Mess Dinner
Saturday 15 December 2012 - Overnighter
Monday 17 December 2012 - Christmas Carnival

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