Saturday 29 December 2012

Happy New Year to All!

We will recommence on the 7th of January 2013 with regular training...see you then.

Note:  All Level 4 Cadets will have an air rifle range (on the 7th).  Come in appropriate civilian attire. 

Any senior cadet interested in attending a national course must bring in their completed application on Monday Jan 7. These applications need to be compiled and sent out. See 2Lt Suba with your application.

OPC Tickets
OPC Lotto Tickets are due soon. Make sure your tickets get sold and brought back to the Sqn.

Br350 Fish Fry - 11 Jan 2013
6 cadet volunteers are required for this Fish Fry at Br350 Royal Canadian Legion (Port Dalhousie).  Great time to sell your OPC tickets.  1700-1900hrs. If interested please see a WO on Jan 7th.

NAG Sports Comp - 26 Jan 2013
All day event in Dunnville.  Transportation will be provided.  Details to follow.

Sunday 16 December 2012


As everyone knows by now we are planning a great trip for the cadets during the March Break. However, to date we have not recieved many people putting down a deposit. If there is not enough interest we will be forced to cancel the trip. So that this does not happen, if you are interested in the March Break trip it is important to bring your $50 deposit by 17 December 2012.

Some of the highlights will include:
Overnight at the National Aviation Museum
Visit Parliament
War Museum and Museum of Civilization
Vintage Wings of Canada
and possibly an adventure park


Tuesday 11 December 2012

M&M Correction

On Monday Dec 10 we sent home a flyer with the cadets advertising a fund raising opportunity with the M&M Meat Shop on Fourth Ave. There was an error in the printing of this flyer which read that this fundraiser was for Dec 6, 2012. The correct date should be Thursday Dec 13, 2012. The corrected flyer is attached.

Please consider going to M&M Meats on Fourth Ave in St. Catharinrs on Dec 13, as 23 Squadron will recieve a donation of 10% on your purchases made that day. Please let your friends, family and neighbours know that they can support the Squadron by visiting M&M's that day and don't forget to mention why you are there.

Monday 10 December 2012

Mess Dinner to the End of the Year

Mess Dinner

As has been announced the mess dinner is being held at the Optimist Hall on Dec 10. Cadets are to wear full dress uniform without head-dress or name tags. Senior cadets (Sgt and up) may substitute a white shirt and black bow tie in lieu of the normal blue shirt and black tie. All cadets please remember that this is a fun but also formal event, and manners and table etiquette are required. 

We are in need of parents to help serve for this meal. If you are available please contact Mr. Berezowski or Capt Derousie to volunteer. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Over-nighter (Dec 15)

This is a chance for the cadets of the squadron to come together on less formal grounds. The night usually contains some uniform prep/teaching but also games, movies and the flight simulator will be out for cadets who want to try their hand at flying. Cadets are asked to arrive at the Optimist Hall at 1830 (6:30 pm) on Dec 15 and are to be picked up by 0830h on Dec 16. This is a non-uniform event and cadets need to bring with them a sleeping bag and any things they need to a stay over night.

Christmas Carnival
Dec 17 1830-2030h It is the tradition of the Squadron that the final night before the Holiday break is a carnival that is hosted by the Sponsoring Committee and parent volunteers. This is a non-uniform fun night where parents and family of the cadets are invited to come. This is also an event where parent support is critical. If you are interested in helping out and having a good time please contact Mr. Berezowski or the Sponsoring Committee.

Thursday 22 November 2012

5 December 2012

7 December - Branch 350 Legion.  1700-1900hr.  We require 6 cadets to volunteer.  A good time to sell OPC tickets!

Many of our cadets don't remember our Squadron Band, but we have recently secured the services of a new band instructor and it is time again for 23 Sqn to have a good band. If you can play percussion or a brass and reed instrument or are interested in learning an instrument please come on Wednesday between 1900-2030hr. You do not need to own an instrument or have any previous musical experience to join.

Mess Dinner
Monday 10 December.  Full Dress.  1830-2100hr.  The Squadron requires Parents to help serve at the dinner.  Please contact Mr. Berezowski and/or Capt Derousie to volunteer. 

Christmas Carnival
Monday 17 December.  Civilian attire.  Parents and cadets are all invited.  1830-2030hr.

Food Drive
A continuing reminder about our holiday food drive for Community Care. Bring in those non-perishables so that everyone can enjoy the season.

March Break Trip
We are pleased to announce that we are proceeding with a trip during March Break to Ottawa and surrounding area.  A letter has been distributed; see office if you missed your copy.  

Upcoming Events
Friday 7 December 2012- Legion Fish Fry : An opportunity to sell those OPC Tickets
Monday 10 December 2012 - Mess Dinner
Friday 14 December 2012 - Gun Show - Merriton Community Centre/Chance to sell OPC tickets
Saturday 15 December 2012 - Overnighter
Monday 17 December 2012 - Christmas Carnival

Monday 12 November 2012

First Post (11 Nov 12)

Welcome to the blog of 23 Optimist Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets. This will serve as the official communication and bulletin board for the squadron for both parents and cadets.

Remembrance Day
Firstly, a very large thank-you to all of the cadet who participated in Remembrance Day activities. This is a busy time of year for us and we appreciate all the cadets who gave of their time selling poppies, attending the Legion dinner and participating our two parades. Many people have approached the staff with compliments and praise for our cadets. There is also a link to photos (including cadets) that were published on the website for the St. Catharines Standard.

Optimist Youth Appreciation Dinner
We would like to congratulate FSgt S. Gervais and Sgt R. Richard for being selected for the Optimist Youth Appreciation Dinner. These cadets are being recognized for their leadership, commitment to the Squadron and exemplary performance.

Food Drive
This year we will be starting a food drive to help support needy people in our community. Please bring in non-perishable food items that can be donated to community care.

Uniform Reminder
We are now in winter dress, which means sweaters and tunics for AC-LAC and shirt, tie and tunics for Cpl and up.

COs Parade
Monday 26th Nov 2012 - Full Dress uniform

Upcoming Events
Friday 7 December 2012- Legion Fish Fry : An opportunity to sell those OPC Tickets
Monday 10 December 2012 - Mess Dinner
Saturday 15 December 2012 - Overnighter
Monday 17 December 2012 - Christmas Carnival