Monday 29 September 2014

Social Media Posts

It has come to the attention of the cadet Regional Support Unit that some cadets are using social media such as Facebook as a venue to vent problems or frustrations about the cadet program. Below is the text from  a poster sent by the Regional Public Affairs Officers. Please have a read and let us know if you have questions or concerns.


Feedback, Questions or Concerns from Cadets

Do you wish to provide feedback or have a question or a concern that needs to be addressed regarding your time in Cadets? Your feedback is important to us and there are a number of ways to have your voice heard:

Option 1 - Talk to an adult staff member at your Corps or Squadron. They are best equipped to help you out!

Option 2 - Talk to your parents or guardians and have them book an appointment to see your Commanding Officer if you don’t believe that things are getting better.

Option 3 - Either you, your parents or your guardians can contact the Regional Cadet Support Unit (RCSU). Their contact information is located by province at

Option 4 - If you are still having trouble finding someone to talk to or feel that your points need to be heard at the national level, you can contact us online by using our feedback form at Remember, we can’t get in touch with you for more information or to let you know what steps we’ve taken to address your feedback, questions or concerns if you don’t provide us your contact information. However, you are able to send anonymous submissions.

We also have a presence on social media, and you can contact us through Facebook or Twitter to provide feedback or address questions or concerns. A list of our social media channels is available at

Cadets, parents and community stakeholders are
encouraged to provide feedback in whatever way and platform they choose and we are working on ways to facilitate discussion through a variety of methods including social media. Using any of the options available through the CCO will ensure your comments are heard by program leadership and allow us to provide information and confirmation back.. We want to hear from you and know what you’re thinking. We’re listening!

October and November Calendar

Monday  Nights
Regular Training at 8 Napier Street Closing Parade at the Lake Street Armouries – All Parents welcomed to hear announcements.
1830 to 2115
(6:30 to 9:15 PM)
Wednesday Nights
Band Training at Grimsby Air Cadet Squadron
No Uniform
Leave at 1800 Return at 2130 (6:00 to 9:30 PM)
Thursday Nights
Extra Activities Nights Announcements made on Monday Night
1900 to 2100
(7:00 to 9:00 PM)
Thursday Nights
Cadet Ground School
See Training Officer for List
Fri., Oct. 3, 2014
6 Cadets -Fish Fry - Arrive at Branch 350 Port Dalhousie Legion for) Full Uniform.
1700 to 2000 hours.
(5:00 to 8:00PM)  
Sat., Oct. 4,2014
Orienteering Competition Dryden Tract in Cambridge
0645 to 1900hours
(6:45 AM to 7:00PM)
Sat., Oct.4,2014
Squadron Sponsoring Committee Meeting SSC
Talk to Ray Berezowski for time and place
Sun., Oct. 5, 2014
Sergeants and above Golf and BBQ The New Brock on the Greens. Meet at Golf Course.
1300 to 2000 hours
(1:00 to 8:00PM)
Monday, October 6, 2014
Ontario Provincial Committee Tickets due back. (SOLD)
1830 to 2115
(6:30 to 9:15 PM)
Saturday, October 11, 2014
10 Senior Cadets to go canoeing on the Welland Recreational Waterway (Letter to give details)
0930 to 1600
(9:30AM to 4:00PM)
Sun., Oct. 12, 2014
10 Senior Cadets to go canoeing on the Welland Recreational Waterway (Letter to give details)
0930 to 1600
(9:30AM to 4:00PM)
Mon., Oct. 13, 2014
Thanksgiving No Cadets
Thur., Oct., 16, 2014
Sports Night
1900 to 2100 (7:00 to 9:00PM)
Friday, October 17, 2014
Tag Day – All Cadets need to do 2 shifts of Tagging
Full dress Uniform
1700 to 2100
(5:00 to 9:00PM)
Saturday, October 18,2014
Tag Day – All Cadets need to do 2 shifts of Tagging
Full dress Uniform
0730 to 1230 (730 AM to 12:30PM)
1200 to 1700(12:00 to 5:00 PM)
Monday, October 20, 2014
Commanding Officers Parade (Dress Uniform with Medals)
Fri., Oct 24, 2014
4 Cadets to assist Branch 24 Legion - No Uniform
1900 to 2030 (7:00 to 8:30 PM)
Sat., Oct. 25,2014
Leadership Presentation All NCM’s.
0900 to 1600 hours
(9AM  to 4PM)
Sat., Nov. 1, 2014
Cadets to assist Branch 24 and Branch 350 of the Royal Canadian Legions sell Poppies Full Uniform
40 Cadets Required - Lunch Provided
0900 To 1700
(9AM to 5PM)
Thurs., Nov 6., 2014
10 Cadets to serve the Veterans Dinner at Branch 350 Port Dalhousie Legion   Full Uniform 
1745 hours  to 2100 hours.
(5:45 to  9PM)
Sat., Nov. 8, 2014
Cadets to assist Branch 24 and Branch 350 of the Royal Canadian Legions sell Poppies Full Uniform
40 Cadets Required - Lunch Provided
0900 To 1700
(9AM to 5PM)
Sunday, November 9, 2014
All Cadets – Arrive at Branch 350 Legion for Remembrance Day Parade. Full Uniform With Winter Parka and Black Gloves.
0930 hours  to 1230 hours (9:30AM 12:30 PM)
All Cadets - Branch 24 Remembrance Day Parade. Meet at 111 Church Street Full Uniform with Winter Parka and black gloves.
0930 hours to 1230 hours ((9:30AM to 12:30 PM)
Tues., Nov. 18, 2014
2 Cadets – Optimist Youth Appreciation Night
1830 to 2100 (6:30 to 9:00 PM)
Fri., Nov. 21, 2014
4 Cadets to assist Branch 24 Legion - No Uniform
1900 to 2030 (7:00 to 8:30 PM)
Sun., Nov. 23, 2014
St. Catharines Santa Claus Parade - Full Uniform with Winter Parka and black gloves.
1330 to 1600 (1:30 to 4:00 PM)
Tues., Nov. 25, 2014
Kelsey’s Night
1600 to 2000 (4 to 8 PM)
Fri., Nov. 28, 2014
Cadet Sleep over at the Cadet Hall
1800 to 1000 (6PM to 10 AM

Monday 22 September 2014

Field Training Exercise

This weekend will be our first Mandatory Field Training Exercise (FTX). If you cannot attend please let us know. All cadets are to arrive at the cadets hall at 5:30 pm on 26 Sep 14. We will be returning to the cadet hall for parent pick-up at 4:30 pm on Sunday 28 Sep 14. We will be going to Chippawa Creek Conservation Area (click for map). If you are coming late please let us know and you will need to find your own way to the camp.

This is an all weather exercise so plan ahead and pack for all of the conditions that may occur.


 Below you will find the Kit List.

  • Note: for your own enjoyment and others’ on this exercise, please do not bring any scented products as they will attract mosquitoes to you in large numbers
  • Combats full, if you have them (boots, pants, tunic, t-shirt, sweater, bureau/bush cap)
  • 1-2 sweaters
  • 2 pairs of pants (windbreakers preferred)
  • 3-4 pairs of socks (cotton and wool)
  • Boots
  • Sleeping bag and air mattress
  • Warm jacket (winter jacket)
  • Pajamas
  • Wide brimmed hat (toque if desired)
  • Gloves
  • Scarf (if desired)
  • 2-3 t-shirts
  • 3-4 pairs of underwear (thermal underwear if desired)
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste
  • Towel, soap, deodorant, other toiletries if required
  • Flashlight and spare batteries
  • Water bottle
  • Watch
  • Mosquito repellant and after-bite and chap stick
  • Sun Screen
  • Pad of paper and a pencil/pen (FMP if desired)
    1. pornography
    2. knives
    3. illicit drugs/substances
    4. cell phone/electronics
    5. pyrotechnics

Wednesday 17 September 2014

September Events

This is map and compass skills. There is a regional competition on Oct 4. If you are interested practices will be Thursdays from 7pm - 8:30pm.

Sports Night
The parade night on Monday Sept 22 will be a Sports Night. Do Not Wear Your Uniform. Please come in appropriate civilian dress for sports. We will be running the PACER test as well which each cadets needs to complete to achieve their level.

We have a gliding slot on Saturday Sept, 17 from 8:30 to 12:00 at the Niagara District Airport (Hwy 55 Virgil). There was a sign up last Monday night and the 20 cadets who can go will be getting a phone call. The others will be given priority on our next gliding day. Please dress for the weather, the mornings are cold and the grass is wet so boots are recommended. You must also bring your health card with you.

If you are interest in joining the Sqn Band please see Capt Derousie.

CCO Extranet
We have added a link on the right to the sign in page for the CCO Extranet. This is a file repository with some relevant cadet information. You can finds links to our orders (CATOs) and for those instructors you can also find the Instructor Guides. This is also the location to find summer camp joining instructions.

Monday 15 September 2014

First Parade Night

Our first parade night will be 15 September 2014. Cadets will begin promptly at 6:30 pm (1830hrs) and we will conclude at 9:00 pm (2100hrs) in the Armoury. We encourage parents to be present during our closing announcements.

First Year Cadets
For all of those joining cadets. Please wear dark pants and a white dress shirt or equivalent. You will also need to bring with you your enrollment paperwork and Health Card. As well there is a $50 registration fee and refundable $50 for OPC tickets. If there is a problem providing these funds please see the Commanding Officer or Sponsoring Committee Chair.

We CANNOT take any cadet into the Squadron without this paperwork being completed.

Returning Cadets
All returning cadets who were at the BBQ last week will have received their Annual Information Validation. This form needs to be returned to the Squadron. If you have outgrown pieces of your uniform over the summer break please bring them on a hangar to exchange at Supply. Otherwise the dress for the night will be Summer Dress.

This coming Saturday (Sept 20) we have gliding scheduled in the morning. We are limited in the number of cadets that can participate, and only those cadets that sign up and are contacted can attend. In order to be considered eligible for this gliding session ALL of your paperwork must be submitted.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Welcome Back 2014!

Welcome back for our 2014/2015 training year. We have a great training year lined up with lots of activities and are making a large transition with many of last years senior cadets retiring and moving on to other things. We also want to congratulate all of our cadets who have completed their summer training. We hope you enjoyed your time, learned lots and a ready to bring that newly gained knowledge back to the Squadron.

Welcome Back BBQ
We will have our traditional Welcome Back BBQ on Monday Sept 8 at 6:30 pm (1830 h). The dress will be civilian attire. This is an opportunity to welcome our cadets back, provide information for new prospective cadets, and complete the necessary paperwork for our returning cadets. Please bring any friends, siblings or acquaintances who might be interested in joining cadets.

Pen Centre Recruiting
We will have a table set up at the Pen Centre from the 5th-7th of September to provide information to the community about our program. Some senior cadets can expect a phone call to help out at this event.