Monday 25 November 2013

Upcoming Events

CO's Parade
A reminder that Monday December 2, 2013 will be a CO's parade. Cadets should spend extra time on their uniforms and wear medals if applicable.

National Summer Camp Applications Due

Fish Fry
Friday Dec 6 there will be a Fish Fry at Br 350 Legion. If you want to help and get some community service please sign up.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Santa Clause is Coming to Town

A reminder that this weekend is the annual St. Catharines Santa Claus Parade. This is usually a short parade and is a great opportunity for us to drum up support in the community. Cadets should arrive at the Optimist Hall at 2:00 pm wearing full uniform with your parka, cadet toque and gloves. We will be joined by the 826 Sqn Band for the parade. The parade itself steps off at 2:30 pm. Come out and welcome the big man in style.

Monday 11 November 2013

Events to Come for November

Remembrance Day Follow-up
Thank you to all of our cadets who participated in our many Remembrance Day activities. The veterans and our community greatly appreciate all of your time and hard work. Also, if you would like to count this towards community service hours please bring in your forms.

Power Famil Flying
For those cadets who signed up this weekend there is power familiarization flying at the St. Catharines Flying Club (NOT CARES BUILDING). Cadets who are on the list should arrive 30 minutes prior to their scheduled time. Schedules were handed out on Monday. Anyone on standby will be called if a slot opens up.

Squadron Overnight
To give our cadets a chance to unwind after our busy Remembrance Day season we are having an fun sleep-over night on Saturday November 16. Cadets can be dropped off at 6:00 pm and picked up on Sunday at 10:00 am. Cadets should eat supper before coming and breakfast will be provided. Cadets should bring things that will be needed for an overnight. (i.e. Sleeping bag, toiletries, suitable clothes for sleeping). Cadets can bring snacks if desired.

Niagara Cadet Winter Gala
128 Thorold Sqn is planning to host a Winter Gala this year for cadets. This is a formal evening with dinner and a dance. If you would like to attend it is necessary that you sign up and pay in advance. If you are interested in going please see WO Gervais and bring your payments. The advertisement is below.

Monday 4 November 2013

Remembrance Day Activities Vol 2.

Remember if you sign up to participate in an activity you are EXPECTED to be there. If something changes or you are ill the onus is on you to contact your Flight Commander so we know you will not be in attendance.

Vol 1. Recap
Thanks to all those cadets who have so far volunteered to help sell poppies and you came to the Br. 350 Remembrance Day Parade. Your efforts and participation are greatly appreciated by the Sqn, the veterans and our community.

Poppy Sales
For those cadets that volunteer we will be selling poppies again at Br 350 (Port Dalhousie) this Saturday (Nov 9). First shift is 8:30 to 12:30 and the second shift is 12:00 to 4:00.

Veteran's Dinner
Cadets who are serving at the Veteran's dinner should be at Br 350 (Port Dalhousie) at 6:00 pm until approximately 9:00 pm. Uniform is full dress.

Remembrance Day Parade
The City of St. Catharines Remembrance Day Parade is going to be on November 11 at 9:30 at Branch 24 Legion (111 Church St.). Uniform is full dress and remember to bring your parka. Since this event occurs during school time it is not mandatory, however we would like maximum participation. If you would like a letter for your school to excuse you during that time please speak to the CO on Thursday night.