Friday 22 February 2013

March Break Trip Parents Meeting

There will be a meeting for all parents whose cadets are going to be attending the March Break Ottawa Trip this year. The meeting will be at the cadet hall on Monday 25 Feb 13 at 1930 hrs (7:30).

Sunday 17 February 2013

Winter FTX

The following is some information for our senior cadets (Sgt and up) attending our winter FTX from 22-24 Feb. We will be departing the cadet hall at 1700hrs. Please be there before this time, so that we can ensure everything is packed, and make sure you have eaten supper before arriving. Our plan is to arrive back at the cadet hall on the 24th between 1600-1630hrs.

In terms of a kit list, this is an outdoor winter FTX. Bring appropriate clothes for that environment. We will be near Parry Sound, so check the weather and pack accordingly.

Kit List
Winter Boots
Winter Coat
Snow Pants
Warm Clothes - pack for multiple layers so things can be removed
Bring extra socks
Writing pad and pencils - pens may freeze
Contact gloves - thin pair of gloves to cover hands for fine manual work
Canteen/water bottle
Flashlight (bring fresh/extra batteries- They don't last long in the cold)
Sunglasses/ Ski goggles - prevent snow blindness
Backpack/kit bag YOU can carry for long distances
Money for stops enroute
Unbreakable coffee mug
chapstick (newly added item)
facial tissue (newly added item)

NOTE: Sleeping bags are not required, they will be provided. We will also provide parkas, mitts, etc. But bring extras anyways.

Also review your map and compass skills prior to our departure.

Monday 11 February 2013

February and March

Family Day
There is NO cadets on Monday 18 Feb 13. Enjoy the time with your family.

OPC Ticket Sales
The Squadron has secured a table at the Merritton Sportsman show on 22 Feb 13. This is an opportunity to sell OPC tickets. Remember there are prizes for the top seller. If you are interested speak to FSgt Stevenson.

Winter FTX
There is an upcoming cold weather field training exercise for senior cadets (Sgt and up). For those that have signed up we will be meeting at the cadet hall at 1630hrs on 22 Feb 13 and will be returning 24 Feb 13.

Legion Fish Fry
1 March 13 we will be helping out Br. 350 Legion at there weekly Friday Fish Fry. Please see the WO if interested to help.

March Break Trip
For those cadets that have signed up, the March Break Trip to Ottawa will be from 8-12 March 13. More news is forthcoming.