Tuesday, 22 January 2013


OPC Tickets
There are many outstanding books of OPC tickets. These need to be sold and returned to the Squadron immediately. There will be a prize for the top seller.

NCO Reminder
All Sgt's and F/Sgt's are reminded to be in formation NLT 1815hrs on regular parade nights.

Upcoming Events:

Range Team
Wednesday will be a regular range team practice. 1900-2100hrs.

Thursday Night
Both Sports and Drill teams will be practicing. Sports will be from 1800-1930hrs and Drill will be from 1930-2100hrs. Maximum participation in drill will be required for the team to travel to the regional competition in May. Please bring/wear your boots, wedge, wool socks and issued pants.

Sports Competition
For those selected for the Sports Team, we will be meeting at the Armoury no later than 0630hrs on Saturday 26 January 2013. Bring all of your required equipment for the day. This includes water botles, sports gear, etc. Lunch will be provided and water/snacks will be available at the competition. Estimated return time is 5-6pm and a cell phone will be available for cadets to call home. The pick up time may change by +/- 30min.

CO's Parade
February 4th will be a CO's parade. We will have a special guest Reviewing Officer from Br. 350 Legion. All cadets are reminded to be in full dress uniform.

New Fundraiser
The Squadron is now collecting all Alkaline batteries. There is a designated bucket in the Orderly office in the Optimist Hall.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

In Memory

It is with heavy hearts that we are informing you that Mrs. Tammy Berezowski passed away peacefully on January 16, 2013 after a long illness. She is survived by her husband Ray, children Holly-Anne, Amanda and Bradley, her grandson Jordan and her parents and brothers. For many years Tammy was a valued member of our sponsoring committee, alongside her husband Ray, and was a member of the Optimist Club. Our thoughts and prayers are with Ray and his family in this difficult time. Tammy will be greatly missed.

Details on arrangements can be found on the Hulse and English Funeral Home website.