Wednesday 25 April 2018

NGTA Band and Drill Competition 28 April 2018

                                                             Warning Order

                          NGTA Band and Drill Competition 28 April 2018 09:00 to 16:30

1.   The 23 Squadron Band and Drill Teams will compete in the NAG Band and Drill  Competition on Saturday 28 April 2018 from 09:00 to 16:30.
2. Cadets and Staff members will be transported from the Optimist Hall 8 Napier Street St.  Catharines to the Fort York Armoury 660 Fleet Street, Toronto ON. M5V 1A9, for the  Band Competition, and 656 Lake Shore Blvd. for the Drill Team Competition.  The Bus  will depart the Optimist Hall 09:30 sharp and will return at 16:30. 
3. C2 uniforms for both the Air and Sea Cadets and Boots are to be carried to the  competition and cadets will be dressed in suitable civilian attire when arriving at the  competition, (School clothing or better).  (Change facilities are available at the  competition site). 
 Your uniform and hair must be in absolutely perfect condition meeting or exceeding  the standards for a very detailed inspection.  (It is not unusual that teams win and lose  these  competitions on the basis of the uniform marks.) 
4. While it is expected that you stay for the entire competition.  You may request  permission to leave after your team performance, if you have your own ride  available, with the permission of the Escort Officer.
5. A lunch will be provided at the competition.   (Any dietary issues, (not preferences),  must be reported to the Drum Major or Drill Team Commander NLT 26 April 2018)
6. Escort Officer/Officers will wear 3B or 3C to the Competition.
7. It is required that the Cadets representing 23 Squadron demonstrate exemplary dress,  deportment, and sportsmanship at all times.  The Cadet Code of Conduct applies on all  Cadet activities.
8. If for any reason a Cadet Drill Team Member or a Band Member cannot attend the  competition they will advise their Drill Team Commander, or their Drum Major ASAP     (They will also call the Squadron Phone and leave a message as to why they are  unable to attend as per the Squadron Standing Orders regarding absences).
9. Emergency Contact for this exercise only is Officer Cadet Silk-Barwell (289) 440-1014.   This number is not to be called except during this exercise and only for emergencies.
Band Inspection Begins at 11:20 sharp and performance begins at 11:45
Drill Team Inspection begins at 13:00 sharp and performance begins at 13:15

Friday 20 April 2018

Here are the activities for this upcoming week:

To All Cadets and Families,

We trust that you are having a good week.

Here are the activities for this upcoming week:

Friday 20th
Fish Fry at Branch 350 cadets who signed up are to arrive NLT 1730 hrs in C2 uniforms.

Saturday 21st
All cadets who signed up for the gliding flight need to note the attached Warning Order. Further, it is important to note the arrival time at the Welland Airport is NLT 0830 hrs. This was missing from the Warning Order. Also, for special activities of this nature that are susceptible to weather disruption, please check your email or be available for Phone Tree messaging in case of such problems. Also, cadets can take the initiative and contact their chain of command for more information as needed.

Monday 23rd
Regular training and parade night at LHQ from 1815 to 2115 hrs

Wednesday 25th
Band Night 1830 to 2100 hrs. 
Also the SSC is meeting that evening.

Thursday 26th
Flag Party 1830-1900
Drill Team 1900-2100 hrs

Friday through Sunday 27-29
Cadets are to sign up for tagging. The sheets will be at the sign in desk.

For those senior cadets who were interested in the C7 training, the dates have been changed FROM April 21st TO June 23 & 24th. Further information can be obtained from the Training Officer.

Have a great training week!

Wednesday 18 April 2018

C7 Safe Handling course scheduled

Good Day All,
Please be advised that the C7 Safe Handling course scheduled for 21 April 2018 has been tentatively rescheduled to 23rd or 24th of June 2018.
Warrant Officers will ensure those who have signed up for this course are advised by phone.
This information should also be sent to you via e-mail and on our blog.
Captain Dave Davidson
Commanding Officer
23 Optimist Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

Saturday 14 April 2018

drill and band competition is cancelled

hello all just letting everyone know that drill and band competition has been cancelled because of the weather  

Friday 13 April 2018

Just a reminder on a few things

All Cadets and Families of 23 Squadron,

Let me begin by publicly congratulating WO2 Mohammed who has been awarded the International Exchange overseas for this summer. He will be going to one of the oldest nations on the planet: China! This is a well-deserved honour! He has been a model for other cadets to follow and exemplifies the qualities that we hope to see developed in every cadet in the 23rd Optimist Squadron.

Well done WO2 Mohammed! We are proud of you!

Monday evening parade night. Remember it is sports night and everyone should be dressed for sports and fun activities. No uniforms!

Tuesday evening the Review Board will be meeting to interview any eligible cadet who qualifies for a promotion to WO2. This is an important part of your development and we are looking forward to seeing worthy cadets promoted to this level of leadership. Speak to the Admin O on Monday for further details.

Wednesday is Band practice at 1830 to 2100 hrs at LHQ.

Thursday is Drill/Flag Team practice at 1830 to 2100 at LHQ. 

Friday April 20/18 Evening we require 4 cadets to volunteer for the Fish Fry at Branch 350 of the Legion in Port Dalhousie from 1730 to 1930 hrs. There will be a sign-up sheet on the Admin Office door.

Saturday April 21/18 There will be GLIDING from 0830 to 1230. You must sign up on Monday evening since there are limited places available. I have heard that we have some cadets who have never flown yet. We need to remedy this asap. Here’s a chance to get in the air and have some excitement and fun.

Wishing you all an excellent weekend. See you Monday!

Thursday 12 April 2018

NAG Band And Drill Competition

                                                                    Warning Order

                            (NAG Band and Drill Competition 14 April 2018 08:00 to 15:00)

1.   The 23 Squadron Band and Drill Team will compete in the NAG Band and Drill  Competition on Saturday 14 April 2018 from 08:00 to 15:00.

2. Cadets and Staff members will transport themselves to and from the Royal Elite  International Academy 1875 Niagara Street, Niagara on the Lake, L0S  1J0.  (If you cannot  arrange a ride for yourself then speak with the Drum Major or the Drill Team  Commander)

3. Uniforms and Boots are to be carried to the competition and cadets will be dressed in  suitable civilian attire when arriving at the competition, (School clothing).  Change  facilities are  available at the competition site.  Your uniform and hair must be in  absolutely perfect condition meeting the standards for a very detailed inspection.  (It is  not unusual that teams win and lose these competitions on the basis of the uniform  marks.)

4. While it is expected that you stay for the entire competition you may request  permission to leave after your team performance.

5. If you are at the Competition over the Lunch period then a lunch will be provided.        (Any dietary issues must be reported to the Drum Major or Drill Team Commander NLT  12 April 2018)

6. Escort Officer will wear 3A Service Dress only.

7. It is required that the Cadets from 23 Squadron will demonstrate exemplary dress,  deportment, and sportsmanship at all times.  It goes without saying that the Cadet Code  of conduct applies on all cadet activities.

8. If for any reason a Cadet Drill Team member or a Band member cannot attend the  competition then the will advise the Drill Team Commander, and Drum Major as soon as  possible.  They will also call the Squadron Phone and leave a message as to why they are  unable to attend as per the Squadron Standing Orders regarding absences.

9. Emergency Contact for this exercise only is Officer Cadet Silk-Barwell (289) 440-1014.   This number is not to be called except during this exercise and only for emergencies.

Monday 26 March 2018

Easter Monday

Just A Reminder  there is NO cadets on Monday April 2 2018 this is Easter Monday so have a great Easter holiday